Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Thank Heavens that only the draft is due on Thursday. This paper looks like it could be a long bugger...maybe I'll get to use it for my Capstone course in the fall? That would be awesome.

I had never really known how strong the anti-Catholic sentiments were in antebellum America. It has been rather eye opening. Can't say that it mystifies me, though. We've had a really long, really ugly history. I suppose that's why all those born-again Evangelists who come through my register at Publix keep giving me pamphlets about burning in Hell if I don't repent. I tell them I'm a practicing Catholic, and they only get more worried and insistent that I take the damn things. At least I don't get nearly as many as I used to. Used to get three or four every month, whereas now I get one every two or three months.

Victory? Not so sure. Nowadays, instead of asking me outright, they practically throw the things at me, or hand them to me quickly with their credit card slips and make a run for it. Got one just last Saturday, actually. They've changed the format. Saving souls is a sneaky business, especially since most Protestants think that the Pope actually is (or is a stand-in for) the Anti-Christ.

Hmm. I forgot the original reason that I was posting on this thing. It'll come to me eventually. I suppose I should get back to my ridiculous amount of reading, and figure out how to put it all together in a way that doesn't make me sound like a complete incompetent. *sigh*

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